The 18th European Congress of Integrative Medicine

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants:
Integration of ancient practices and scientific breakthroughs



The 18th European Congress of Integrative Medicine

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants:
Integration of ancient practices and scientific breakthroughs



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Jerusalem is not only the city of holiness, but also the city of “whole-ness”, as suggested by its Biblical name “Shalem”, which means “whole” in Hebrew. The name also contains reference to the Hebrew greeting of “peace”, “shalom”; and “sacred” in Arabic. It is with these words that we wish to welcome you to join us in a unique and special venue for the 2026 European Society for Integrative Medicine Annual Conference in Jerusalem. Shalom!!!

Calls to Action

Best Experienced Speakers

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Petey Cruiser

Dolorem iasum

Bob Frapples

Omnis occae

David Duke

Eligendi oetio

Cliff Hanger

Molestiae non

Barry Wine

Soluta nobis

Samantha Zoe

Laboris nisi

Are You Good Speaker?

Join our community and share your toughts with the one who need to strech their limits aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore.

Our Event Schedules

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident.

Upcoming Events

Dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident.

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Officia deserunt mollitia animi res est laborum et dolorum fugaharum quide rerum facilis expedia distinctio.

Maiores alias conseua tur aut nerferen dis eveniet

Officia deserunt mollitia animi res est laborum et dolorum fugaharum quide rerum facilis expedia distinctio.

Maiores alias conseua tur aut nerferen dis eveniet

Officia deserunt mollitia animi res est laborum et dolorum fugaharum quide rerum facilis expedia distinctio.

Dear ESIM Members and Integrative Medicine Professional Community,

Due to the current security situation in Israel, the Jerusalem 2024 ECIM is postponed to 2026.

Instead, the 2024 conference will be held on November 15th-17th in Madrid under the auspices of SESMI and ESIM.

The planning of the Madrid conference is in full speed and we are looking forward to an outstanding conference!

Stay tuned for more news on our websites: